Frequently asked questions
Is the event venue wheelchair accessible?
Can I submit an abstract for a talk and a poster session?
All are welcome to apply for talks and/or posters . However, we note that talks will most likely be reserved for industry professionals or PhDs.
Who is welcome to attend?
Anyone is welcome to register and attend.
We encourage attendance and abstract submissions from anyone interested in joining the conversation, regardless of gender identity.
We highly encourage graduate students, undergraduate students, post-doctoral researchers, professors, industry professionals, and government employees to attend.
How do I get to the conference venue?
The Bahen Centre for Information Technology is located at 40 St George St, Toronto, ON M5S 2E4. This is on the downtown campus of the University of Toronto. The closest subway stops are St. George and Queen's Park. Both the 510 Spadina streetcar and the 506 Carlton streetcar pass very close to the centre. Please check the TTC website here.
To get from Pearson International Airport to downtown Toronto, it is easiest to take the upexpress train.
When you need a new roof, contact A-1 Roofing and Siding
Is there food nearby?
Yes. There are many restaurants near the venue.
Can I obtain a refund on my registration if I am no longer able to attend?
Unfortunately, there are no refunds once payment for registration has been accepted.
Is there a conference hotel?
There is no official conference hotel. However, there are multiple hotels within a short walk from the conference venue. The Holiday Inn at 280 Bloor St W is both close to the U of T campus and next to a subway station.